Sunday 26 May 2013

Intelligence and creativity..

The theorie of the multiple intelligences argument that everybody persons have differents talents. Howeber the system education is not open at other forms learns. The tradicional education had establish  a hierarchy for areas of knowledge and is neccesary learn. The problem of tradicional education is not exploting the creativity of everyone persons and restrict the individual talent. The education separates to children with academic skills of children who do not have skills to compete in the school. The children who are not good academically are sometimes discriminated or excluded.
I think everybody should do the things we like. The intelligence is not in do the good homework or win a credential for work in the big company. The intelligence is do things the form creativitie. Is useful head for think the problems and provide solutions.
The children be teach for study carrer important and have job to earn money. But this is to be happy? I think we should learn to appreciate the little things and teach children to create using the imagination. Parents should help their children discover their own talents and developing them to create a future.
Maybe if we all learn to make mistake and keep trying to do things we could be more creative. It would be a great lesson.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Non-remunerated work at inside of the household

My presentations address the problem of non-remunerated work at inside of the household. I choose is the topic because in the theory classic economic and the national statics the non-remunerated work is not relevant as form of production value. In our country and the rest world the concept of work is defined as “remunerated work”. The work is bank of formal market the system national accountability not estimated in the calculated of PIB.
The non-remunerated work is definition as the “work that makes for others” in form care of children or disabled persons and the housework as wash, iron, clean and others. The non-remunerated in general is making for the woman. The dated to point out that 60,5% of woman older 12 years in Chile is dedicated only domestic work.
The principal contribution at development of the concept work should be the feminist economy. The studied of de condition of exploitations of the woman and the freight of work. Some exponent is Lourdes Benería in Spain, the Institute Study of Woman (CEM) in Chile and the Division of Gender in the CEPAL.
The statics in Chile construct a dated whit the survey use of time. Like this possible measure the non-remunerated work at inside of the household. 

Thursday 9 May 2013

The domestic work is not natural to woman!

I get study sociology in the moment of social protest in Chile, an age later of the “revolution pinguina”. I remember that the social equality and opportunities study are very important in the programming of government. I think these subject I take a study a career little common.
The sociology is a sport of combat, is necessary be alert in front of change. In the case the sociologist have tool for improve the quality live in the people. I think the trough of social theories/practice is possible unveil the social problems and do a critics to world systems. Also the sociologist can contribute al design politics or program government for vulnerable or in danger population.

The development of sociology in the conditions actually is complicated. The job market is competitive and necessary diversify the knowledge. The sociologist have to learn for economy, econometrics models, statics and methodology, why the theory in not sufficient. The socials phenomenons are numeric and the sociologist needs learn a count the reality.

The sociology I like the subject for economic household and the study of gender with applications in the female job market. The inequality for conditions of gender is the problems important, the woman haven more work in the household, the distributions of work in the family benefit to man and harm to woman. The domestic work is not natural to woman, it is a social construction. We understand the situations of oppressions of the woman, all could be most easy.