Sunday 26 May 2013

Intelligence and creativity..

The theorie of the multiple intelligences argument that everybody persons have differents talents. Howeber the system education is not open at other forms learns. The tradicional education had establish  a hierarchy for areas of knowledge and is neccesary learn. The problem of tradicional education is not exploting the creativity of everyone persons and restrict the individual talent. The education separates to children with academic skills of children who do not have skills to compete in the school. The children who are not good academically are sometimes discriminated or excluded.
I think everybody should do the things we like. The intelligence is not in do the good homework or win a credential for work in the big company. The intelligence is do things the form creativitie. Is useful head for think the problems and provide solutions.
The children be teach for study carrer important and have job to earn money. But this is to be happy? I think we should learn to appreciate the little things and teach children to create using the imagination. Parents should help their children discover their own talents and developing them to create a future.
Maybe if we all learn to make mistake and keep trying to do things we could be more creative. It would be a great lesson.

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