Sunday 21 April 2013

save :"", replace

Personally, I have more than one ambition. I would like to learn to play guitar or something of music. Also, I would be happy if I give away tickets for the Rock in Rio by Brazil. I think the massive concerts are fantastic because you can scream and sing your favorite songs. It is really exciting!!

Sometimes I like imagine that I travel for the world and  I know to different people. An of my ambitions is to arrive very away. I would wish live in the other country, eat exotic foods, speak languages different and meet a place where to be happy. The world is too large to inhabit one place and give up adventure  :)

I think is important search the happiness in my live, the people who give me smiles and encouragement to continue. Because for to live without problems it is necessary to value the people we love. These thoughts are a motivation for grow and live without fears. Maybe,  more that an ambition is a beautiful dream.

Saturday 20 April 2013

replace today="very funny" if yesterday=="very boring"

Everything the days in the morning I like see the newspaper El Mostrador.

I read the principal information of country, the economy section and cultural section. Sometimes, I found with interesting events for the weekend: good restaurant of Indian food, concert of jazz music, the premiere a new film , a good book of cartoons, etc.

In general, when I read newspaper I like drink coffee or eat a sandwich. It is my breakfast.

Sometimes I am interested in other websites about my job. The internet is a tool work very useful when I need to answer some questions.

Usually if I have a question about any stata command or need to consult information in a book, I can find the answer by searching on google. com. Although, I haven't luck all the time.

The websites as youtube, facebook and others very funny sites for watch TV or listen music, can't be used because by institutional policy .

Some days are very boring!!

Thursday 11 April 2013

clear all



My name is Patricia and I am Chilean. However I studied sociology and after one year from my graduation, I don't have anything decided for my live.

Sometimes I think that the world is a bad place. The people have not force for fight by your dreams, the future is each day more distant and we live with lower confidence in the "other".

Before I thought the sociology was a politic compromise for change a world, but now think is very different.

Is difficult being politically committed or work in the area that likes, the problem is the lack opportunities for studies develop with true impact in the population, in the systems of government and the development model. If we want change, these researches are fundamental for progress in the social welfare of country.

That is reason this blog, going to be my refuge against bad times, to speak about my world when everything solid fade in the air.

My experience as sociologist is live in the limbo, always living the changing.
Welcome to a social catharsis experience!!
